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This is an overview of the key features of the Authup ecosystem:

  • 🛡️ Identity- & Access-Management - Manage user identities and control access to resources
  • 🏭 Clustering - Cluster and scale authup for high availability and performance
  • 🚀 Fast & Reliable - Fast and reliable system due to microservice architecture
  • ️‍️🕵️‍♀️ Logging & Monitoring - Logs and monitors activities and transactions to detect potential security issues
  • 👤 Single-Sign On - Login once to multiple applications
  • 📜 Standard Protocols - OAuth2.0 & OpenID Connect
  • 👍 Social Login - Easy enable social login
  • 🤝 Identity Brokering - OpenID Connect
  • 🔓 Simple claim based and fully featured subject and attribute based authorization
  • 🧩 Isomorphic & declarative permission management. Serialize and share permissions between UI, API & microservices
  • 💻 TypeScript and JavaScript support
  • 📚 Client libraries
  • & much more