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This section will help you spin up Authup as a docker container.


The following guide is based on some shared assumptions:

  • Docker v20.x is installed
  • Min. 2 cores
  • Min. 5G hard disk
  • Up to two available ports on the host system if you want to map the services to your local machine (default: 3000 and 3001)

Step. 1: Create a new project

Create and change into a new directory.

$ mkdir authup && cd authup
$ mkdir authup && cd authup

Step. 2: Configuration


It is important to mention that in the docker environment the configuration for the PORT option is ignored.

So when authup container is run, the rules are as follows:

  • If only one service is started, it always runs on the internal port 3000 and can be mounted on another external port ( -p <port>:3000)

Follow the instructions for configuring Authup using a configuration file or via environment variables. In case of a configuration file, place it in the root directory.

Step. 3: Boot up

To start each service, the following command should be executed depending on the service:


docker run \
  -v authup:/usr/src/writable \
  -p 3001:3000 \
  authup/authup:latest server/core start
docker run \
  -v authup:/usr/src/writable \
  -p 3001:3000 \
  authup/authup:latest server/core start


docker run \
  -p 3000:3000 \
  authup/authup:latest client/web start
docker run \
  -p 3000:3000 \
  authup/authup:latest client/web start

Now all should be set up, and you are ready to go 🎉

This will lunch the following application with default settings:

  • UI: http://localhost:3000/
  • API: http://localhost:3001/

It is recommended to operate the services behind a reverse proxy. For example nginx.