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Ability Manager

This package is shipped with a management system for permissions, which scales between a claim based and subject/attribute based authorization.

The data (Ability(s)) to initialize the AbilityManager can be serialized as json for example and shared between frontend and backend services, to provide the same features on both sides.

The Abilities can be extracted from the Payload of the /token endpoint response (AUTHORIZATION header required)


    "target": {
        "permissions": [
                "condition": null,
                "id": "data_add",
                "negation": false,
                "power": 999,
                "target": null
    "target": {
        "permissions": [
                "condition": null,
                "id": "data_add",
                "negation": false,
                "power": 999,
                "target": null

Define Abilities

The class constructor accepts a collection or a single ability descriptor as argument. An ability descriptor describes the permission owned and requires at least the id property.

  • Condition(s): One or many conditions can be specified using the MongoDB query language
  • Fields: A string array can be provided to limit the permission on specific fields of the subject.
import { Ability, AbilityManager } from '@authup/core';

const items : Ability[] = [
    { id: 'data_add', condition: { size: { $lte: 5 } } },
    { id: 'data_edit', fields: ['value'] }

const abilityManager = new AbilityManager(items);
import { Ability, AbilityManager } from '@authup/core';

const items : Ability[] = [
    { id: 'data_add', condition: { size: { $lte: 5 } } },
    { id: 'data_edit', fields: ['value'] }

const abilityManager = new AbilityManager(items);

The list of supported operators:

  1. $eq and $ne
    Check if the object value is equal to the specified value. $ne means not $eq.
  2. $lt and $lte
    Check if the object value is less than the specified value. Can be used for Dates, numbers and strings. $lte is a combination of $lt and $eq, so it's an inclusive check.
  3. $gt and $gte
    Check if the object value is greater than the specified value. Can be used for Dates, numbers and strings. $gte is a combination of $gt and $eq, so it's an inclusive check.
  4. $in and $nin
    Checks if the object's property is of the specified array values. Can be used for single value and for arrays as well. If object's property is an array it checks for intersection. $nin means not $in
  5. $all
    Checks if the object's property contain all elements from the specified array. Can be used for arrays only.
  6. $size
    Checks if the array length is equal to the specified value. Can be used for arrays only.
  7. $regex
    Allows to test object's property value using regular expression. Can be used for strings only.
  8. $exists
    Checks if the property exists in the object.
  9. $elemMatch
    Checks nested elements shape. Use $elemMatch operator to specify multiple criteria on the elements of an array such that at least one array element satisfies all the specified criteria. If you specify only a single condition in the $elemMatch expression, $elemMatch is not necessary. See Specify Multiple Conditions for Array Elements for details.


To check if a permission is owned in general without any restrictions (conditions or fields), use the has() method of the class instance.

import { Ability, AbilityManager } from '@authup/core';

const items : Ability[] = [
    { id: 'data_add', condition: { size: { $lte: 5 } } },
    { id: 'data_edit', fields: ['value'] }

const abilityManager = new AbilityManager(items);

// true

// false
import { Ability, AbilityManager } from '@authup/core';

const items : Ability[] = [
    { id: 'data_add', condition: { size: { $lte: 5 } } },
    { id: 'data_edit', fields: ['value'] }

const abilityManager = new AbilityManager(items);

// true

// false


To verify a permission with condition and field restriction, use the verify() method of the class instance.

Verify Conditions

Conditions will be evaluated, if an object (subject) is provided as second argument to the verify() method.

import { Ability, AbilityManager } from '@authup/core';

type Data = {
    value: string,
    size: number

const items : Ability[] = [
    { id: 'data_add', condition: { size: { $lte: 5 } } }

const abilityManager = new AbilityManager(items);

let exampleData : Data = {
    value: '0123456789',
    size: 10

console.log(abilityManager.verify('data_add', exampleData));
// false

exampleData = {
    value: '01234',
    size: 5

console.log(abilityManager.verify('data_add', exampleData));
// true
import { Ability, AbilityManager } from '@authup/core';

type Data = {
    value: string,
    size: number

const items : Ability[] = [
    { id: 'data_add', condition: { size: { $lte: 5 } } }

const abilityManager = new AbilityManager(items);

let exampleData : Data = {
    value: '0123456789',
    size: 10

console.log(abilityManager.verify('data_add', exampleData));
// false

exampleData = {
    value: '01234',
    size: 5

console.log(abilityManager.verify('data_add', exampleData));
// true

Verify Fields

To verify if the permission applies on a specific field of an object (subject), provide the field name as third argument to the verify() method.

import { Ability, AbilityManager } from '@authup/core';

type Data = {
    value: string,
    size: number

const items : Ability[] = [
    { id: 'data_edit', fields: ['value'] }

const abilityManager = new AbilityManager(items);

let exampleData : Data = {
    value: '01234',
    size: 5

console.log(abilityManager.can('data_edit', exampleData, 'value'));
// true

console.log(abilityManager.can('data_edit', exampleData, 'size'));
// false
import { Ability, AbilityManager } from '@authup/core';

type Data = {
    value: string,
    size: number

const items : Ability[] = [
    { id: 'data_edit', fields: ['value'] }

const abilityManager = new AbilityManager(items);

let exampleData : Data = {
    value: '01234',
    size: 5

console.log(abilityManager.can('data_edit', exampleData, 'value'));
// true

console.log(abilityManager.can('data_edit', exampleData, 'size'));
// false