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API Client

The APIClient Class provides an easy way to interact with the REST-API to manage domain resources.


To configure the API Client, the baseURL parameter for the driver config of the constructor should be set.

import { APIClient } from '@authup/core';

const client = new APIClient({
    driver: {
        baseURL: ''
import { APIClient } from '@authup/core';

const client = new APIClient({
    driver: {
        baseURL: ''


The API-Client provides the following domain clients, which are accessible by the respective instance property.

The instance property is named after the APIClient name in camelCase.

For example:

Realm: realm

import { APIClient } from '@authup/core';

const client = new APIClient(/* ... */);

(async () => {
    const response = await client.realm.create({
        name: 'Test Realm'

    // { id: 'xxx', name: 'Test Realm', ... }
import { APIClient } from '@authup/core';

const client = new APIClient(/* ... */);

(async () => {
    const response = await client.realm.create({
        name: 'Test Realm'

    // { id: 'xxx', name: 'Test Realm', ... }

Checkout the domain section for available APIClients.

Request & Responses

Nearly each domain API (e.g. UserAPI) expose the same CRUD methods with few exceptions. The most common methods are:

  • getOne
  • getMany
  • create
  • update
  • delete

The response of a resource collection request always return meta information about how many items (total) are available for the given predicate(s) and which part of data set is returned (limit & offset).

import { APIClient } from '@authup/core';

const client = new APIClient({
    /* ... */

(async () => {
    const response = await client.role.getMany({
        page: {
            limit: 10,
            offset: 0
    // {
    //      meta: {total: 1, limit: 10, offset: 0},
    //      data: [{id: 'xxx', name: 'admin', description: null}], 
    // }
import { APIClient } from '@authup/core';

const client = new APIClient({
    /* ... */

(async () => {
    const response = await client.role.getMany({
        page: {
            limit: 10,
            offset: 0
    // {
    //      meta: {total: 1, limit: 10, offset: 0},
    //      data: [{id: 'xxx', name: 'admin', description: null}], 
    // }

The response of a single resource request always return the resource object without meta information.

import { APIClient } from '@authup/core';

const client = new APIClient({
    /* ... */

(async () => {
    const response = await client.role.getOne('xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx');
    // {
    //     id: 'xxx', name: 'admin', description: null
    // }
import { APIClient } from '@authup/core';

const client = new APIClient({
    /* ... */

(async () => {
    const response = await client.role.getOne('xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx');
    // {
    //     id: 'xxx', name: 'admin', description: null
    // }


Depending on the payload, the request might not be successfully. In that case, the api responds with an error payload, which looks like this:


The response maybe differs if the server-core package is not used with the provided error middleware.

    "message": "The application could not fulfill the request",
    "code": "bad_request",
    "statusCode": 400
    "message": "The application could not fulfill the request",
    "code": "bad_request",
    "statusCode": 400

The error codes can be used to handle each error separately. Check out the Api Reference for available error codes.