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HTTP Middleware

The http middleware should be injected at the beginning of the chain.

The middleware is used to validate the bearer token by authorization header (or by cookie). It calls a callback function with general information (realm, abilities, ...) and information about the corresponding robot or user of the token.


The createHTTPMiddleware method, accepts a configuration object. The redis client, if enabled, is used to cache verification responses from the backend service.

import { Router } from 'routup';
import { createHTTPMiddleware } from '@authup/server-adapter';
import { createClient } from 'redis-extension';

// setup router
const router = new Router();

// setup socket middleware for socket server
    tokenByCookie: (req, cookieName) => req.cookies[cookieName],
    tokenVerifier: {
        baseURL: 'http://localhost:3001/',
        creator: {
            type: 'user',
            name: 'admin',
            password: 'start123',
        cache: {
            type: 'redis',
            client: createClient({ connectionString: 'redis://' })
    tokenVerifierHandler: (req, data) => {
        // { 'realmId': 'xxx', userId: 'xxx', userName: 'xxx', ... }
    /* ... */

import { Router } from 'routup';
import { createHTTPMiddleware } from '@authup/server-adapter';
import { createClient } from 'redis-extension';

// setup router
const router = new Router();

// setup socket middleware for socket server
    tokenByCookie: (req, cookieName) => req.cookies[cookieName],
    tokenVerifier: {
        baseURL: 'http://localhost:3001/',
        creator: {
            type: 'user',
            name: 'admin',
            password: 'start123',
        cache: {
            type: 'redis',
            client: createClient({ connectionString: 'redis://' })
    tokenVerifierHandler: (req, data) => {
        // { 'realmId': 'xxx', userId: 'xxx', userName: 'xxx', ... }
    /* ... */


For more details check out, the API Reference.